Teaching Data Science in English (not in Math) — The Dataist

I spend most of my time now teaching others about data science and as such I do a lot of research into what is going on with respect to data science education. As such I decided to take an online machine learning course and it led me to a serious question: why don’t we use pseudo-code to…

via Teaching Data Science in English (not in Math) — The Dataist


克雷•克里斯坦森(Clay Christensen)讲了一个有关天堂旅游的有趣笑话。“这里怎么没有数据呢?”这位哈佛教授问他的天堂向导。“因为数据撒谎,”对方回答说。克里斯坦森教授接着讲,所以“每当有人说‘把数据拿给我看’时,我就会说‘下地狱去’”。

Quiet Riot: When Your Existential Crisis Moves Abroad With You

“Are you okay?” My friend asked. I knew this crude type of emotional vertigo well. The tightness in my chest, as if my heart was about to be sucked out of my body through a straw, coupled with the  sudden sensation that gravity was inadequate and no matter how hard I clawed with my fingernails […]



I just want to do some random typing work on the keyboard perfectly with the a various usage of vocabulary learned from the yesterday’s reading…

OK, that writing was disturbed by my flatmate who informed that he would eat all my freshly fried rice&vegetables after I refused to open the door for him with his ridiculous excuses. Yes, I rushed out to the kitchen only to find out that my entire box of fried rice was gone, this is really devastating. The feeling that you can not protect your little product of kind labor is no doubt upsetting and anger then burst out. But he was quite safe behind the British standard anti-fire door, I can’t do anything. At last, I told him I would roast his lamb leg and this works unbelievably quick. Soon we were doing judo in the kitchen for the honor of food and of course, I got my fried rice back and ate it under the sunset light.

Well, this paragraph must contain lots of mistakes and might be very boring like a child’s dairy. Somehow that’s the real present writing level of me and I should accept it and improve it.

Internet Killed the Fashion Show Star?

I am no business analyst, but I have just enough experience in the field to know that the current construct of business by high end fashion houses is fiscally ludicrous. The current practice: spend exorbitant amounts of money to host a party (of sorts) to showcase your creations live when the payoff is marginal at best. […]


Biases between consecutive primes

There is a very nice recent paper by Lemke Oliver and Soundararajan (complete with a popular science article about it by the consistently excellent Erica Klarreich for Quanta) about a surprising (but now satisfactorily explained) bias in the distribution of pairs of consecutive primes when reduced to a small modulus . This phenomenon is superficially […]
